Wir sind schon mitten drin und liefern schnell noch die Ankündigung nach: Freitag und Samstag könnt ihr jeweils an 10:30 Uhr im Centro Sociale auf dem Recht auf Stadt Kongress mit uns fabben. Wir haben wieder den 3D-Drucker, den Papierplotter und Elektronikbastelkram dabei. Als Special könnt ihr auf dem Lasercutter Pappe oder Holz schneiden, Metal gravieren und andere lustige Sachen ausprobieren.
Ihr findet uns im Centro Sociale (Eingang von außen rechts neben dem Haupteingang des Centro), Sternstraße 2, U Feldstraße (Schlachthof).
„Fabulous St. Pauli“, the local initiative for a Fab Lab in Hamburg, will present its tools and the concept of a new urban, open-source fabrication facility for two days in Centro Sociale. Everybody is invited to come along, join the fab crowd and create your own things with a 3D printer, a laser cutter or a paper cutter. Introduction, help and assistance is provided by Fabulous St. Pauli. / „Fabulous St. Pauli“, die Initiative für ein Fab Lab in Hamburg, stellt Geräte und Konzept einer offenen Hightech-Werkstatt für Stadt-Communities vor. Alle sind eingeladen, vorbeizuschauen und 3D-Drucker, Laserschneider und Papierschneider auszuprobieren.
The urban crisis is also a crisis of production. Many cities have become centers of the service and „creative“ industries – immaterial production – while the material production of everyday things is increasingly moved to the maquiladoras of the global south. In New York City, for instance, in 1960 29 % of the workforce were employed in fabrication; in 2005 it was a mere 4 %. At the same time people are pushed to consume more and more.
This situation is countered by a new wave of urban fabrication concepts that want:
- a self-determined local production
- with advanced tools
- that are often open-source hardware
- to empower urban people to become producers themselves again – but not necessarily for markets or commercialisation.
One such concept is the Fab Lab, originated in 1998/9 at MIT, that has spawned a network of 50 Fab Labs worldwide, including many of them in the global south.
The Hamburg Fab Lab initiative „Fabulous St. Pauli“ will give a hands-on introduction to the idea on Friday and Saturday. It’s located in the building of Centro Sociale, in the so-called „Büro“ (watch out for the „F“ sign). You can find more information on the Fabulous website (link below).