Creative Technologies Meetup (#12)

Date(s) - 14/08/2023
19:00 - 23:00

Fab Lab Fabulous St. Pauli, Hamburg.

So this time, we will meet at Fab Lab again. And this time, the core questions will be: How are marginalized bodies represented in digital space? And what freedoms do digital spaces give us for self-determined design of our virtual bodies and identities?
Brig Huezo will present VR projects that address these questions. As a dancer, performer and choreographer, Brig is interested in deconstructing our perception of the body and its future in an increasingly technological and virtual world. The following day, 15.08.23, Brig will hold a workshop at Kampnagel together with performance artist Sahra.Zaniah, bringing together MoCap, contemporary dance and vogueing under the title „Post Digital Bodies“, aimed at BIPoC* performers and choreographers.
As a second position, artist and boxer Janne Kummer introduces their practice. Janne’s work investigates the effects of digitalization on the evaluation and perception of our bodies – always in connection with movements such as cyberfeminism, design justice, soma design and new materialism. Janne sees their own work as a tool to expose existing power structures and to develop alternative queer-feminist visions of the future.

Also joining us this time is our documentary team, who would like to get into conversation with those of you who are interested: Why are you interested in the connection between art and technology? What does the Hamburg scene look like and what do we need in Hamburg?

And of course, there will again be some dinner and drinks!

In cooperation with THEHOST.IS, a project of Kampnagel and Deichtorhallen Hamburg.
